Mary is getting married! I can’t help but think back, many years ago, to move in day at Virginia Tech, 2009. The day I met Mary. It was my first year as an RA. Through summer training we were warned about becoming too close of friends with our residents. “It will prohibit your residents to make friends of their own,” they said. But as the year went on, a very special group of residents and I became close friends. They were with me the night before my 21st birthday, helping me train to take shots with water, and talked me out of a few interesting outfit choices I made.
Over the years I still refer to these girls as my former residents, but as one of my former residents explained, “You don’t have to keep calling us your residents, we can just be friends now!” Haha, It’s a habit I’m slowly breaking!
I am so excited for this new chapter is Mary’s life to begin! It has been so fun watching Mary grow through college and fall in love. And I am so excited to stand by her side as she marries such a wonderful, kind man!
August 15, 2017
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