Samantha Searles

Southern California Maternity Session

Matt and Izzy’s Maternity Session

This is Matt and Izzy; the sweetest couple that I got to meet out in California last week! Izzy is due in just a couple of weeks, but that did not stop her from hiking mountains and cliffs with us! Seriously, this girl is so impressive!

We decided to do the session at Sunset Cliffs in Southern California. This was the location of their very first date! Matt cooked and packed a picnic and he and Izzy shared a dinner overlooking the sunset and the sea. Fast forward a few years and they now have a little boy on the way! AND are in the process of moving. So many positive things in the works for this little family! And feeling so lucky I was able to capture this tiny moment!

September 1, 2017

Samantha Searles